Saturday, August 1, 2009


So I've discovered a brand new CrossFit gym has opened up right in my backyard, CrossFit Ft. Walton Beach ( They're technically not even open until Aug 15th, but I've already joined and started doing some workouts there. Wednesday (Jul 29) I did a tabata workout with jumping pull-ups, sit-ups, and girl push-ups. And in usual crossfit fashion, the ones that "sound easy" are always terrible. Thursday (Jul 30), worked on squat technique/form, and then did 4 minutes of bottom-to-bottom tabata squats.... Only 4 minutes, but those 4 minutes are super-suck when your ten seconds of 'rest' is in the down position.

Today I did a scaled version of filthy fifty, the dirty thirty (with 45# push press, 20lb wall ball, 1 pood KB swings). Time was 19:34. The two toughest events were the wall ball (expected), and the burpees (not as expected). The burpees made me feel like was dying. It was great.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I <3 the C&J

The WOD:

With a continuously running clock do one 135 pound Clean and Jerk the first minute, two 135 pound Clean and Jerks the second minute, three 135 pound Clean and Jerks the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.

I completed 3 full minutes plus 2 reps in the 4th minute... for a total of 8 reps in 4 minutes. While this is a really poor showing, this is after only 13 or 14 hours of recovery (and zero sleep) since I did Cindy yesterday. I work a night shift, so that's why the no sleep thing.... and I jumped into this one partly because I was excited about it and partly to get myself on an after-work exercise routine.

Surprisingly, it was the jerks and not the cleans that got me. Normally I can jerk up 135 all day long, but I'm just fatigued from previous workouts I suppose. Cleans felt strong... Felt comfortable doing multiple full squat cleans of a weight that is nearly 80% of my 1RM hang power clean. And historically I can power clean more weight than I can squat clean. A 200# C&J seems within reach at this point.

Monday, July 27, 2009


5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats

11 Rounds + 5 Pullups and 5 Pushups

Pushups definitely slowed me down the most... My chest was still really sore from Lynne the other day, and I ended up breaking up nearly every set of pushups after the first two or three.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

7/25/09 - 'Lynne'

5 Rounds for Max Reps
Bodyweight Benchpress

Rest as need between rounds.

I weighed in at about 174 before the workout so I used 175 lbs.

Reps are a best guess... did this WOD yesterday and I lost my note with the exact numbers.

Bench - 12 8 6 5 4

Pullups - 12 8 9 8 6

78 Total reps

Friday, July 24, 2009

"DT Lite"

135#, 3 Rounds for time of:

12x DL
9x Hang Power Clean
6x Push Jerk

Done in 20~21 minutes. I actually meant to just scale the weight, not the rounds... Just now realized as RX'd this WOD is 5 rounds. Alas, it all worked out just right in the end... two more rounds would have taken me another 20 minutes I bet.

Friday, July 17, 2009

30 Muscle-ups for time

I can't do a dead-hang muscle up, and I don't have rings, so I subbed jumping muscle-ups on a pull-up bar. The last 5 or 6 reps actually were a little easier as I started to improve my technique.

Approx. 10 mins.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Back into the game

After about two weeks of not working out at all (Due in large part to a several unexpected shift changes at work, as well as partly due to laziness), I got back into the game. Thankfully the CrossFit main site WOD was not too evil:

Hang Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

170# (PR)
175# Miss

I also messed around with some handstand push ups and weighted pull-ups. The HSPUs felt much improved over even two or three weeks ago (Despite not working out). I also got 70# on a one-rep weighted pull-up, which is a personal record as far as I can remember.